What is Small Coach?
Small Coach is not a ʻcourseʻ. Small Coach is a platform for you to create your path Building Small. Small Coach provides tools, processess, frameworks and individualized help designed specifically for the Small Scale Developer.
What Will I Learn?
Small Coach is individualized ʻstrength trainingʻ for how you work, how you make decisions, and how you – as an entrepreneur – can create a successful business, successful projects, and a balanced life Building Small.
How Can I Participate?
Start your Small Coach path with the ʻFoundationsʻ workshop – in person or online – to create the framework and get familiar with Small Coachʻs tools for success. Then continue your journey with advanced workshops that include peer to peer discussions and time for you to take a hard look at what is holding you back. continue your growth with virtual peer circles that meet regularly to keep you on track and be there when you need it most. If you are wrestling with specific issues in your projects or career path 1:1 coaching sessions with Jim are available.

—S. Elia | Founder, Exergon, LLC
Put Me In Coach!
Small Coach IRL!
Workshops now forming!
In person, one day workshops with a curated group of 20 of your peers. Introductory (Foundations) and advanced (Breakthrough) sessions.
Online Small Coach
Coming summer 2024
Join a 90 minute Small Coach Workshop, and then continue your growth working with small cohorts of your peers from around the country.

One 2 One Coach
Sometimes you just need to talk to someone who has been there! Get 1:1 Coaching from Jim on projects, your business model or career path.
Kelly HNATT | Founder Build Wise
Introductory Workshop
Small Coach Foundations

You will work through a rythm of ʻSuccess Frameworksʻ, followed by personal exploration and peer group discussion about what drives you, how you perform at your best, how to organize and execute projects, and finally creating your plan for the coming year. You will receive access to materials and tools designed specifically for the Small Scale Developer, and proprietary only to Small Coach participant. In person and online.
What will we be doing?
- Learning Success Frameworks that draw on the best thinking in entrepreneurialism but refined, synthesized and customized for the small scale real estate developer.
- Taking Time for Personal Exploration by creating the space needed to focus time on YOU and your business, so you can apply what you are learning to your specific challenges.
- Peer Group discussions where you can share what you challenges and learnings with others like you.
Workshop Content
- Coaching vs. Teaching. Whatʻs the difference?
- Embracing Your Entrepreneurial DNA
- Success Framework 1: Gap vs. Gain
- Success Framework 2: What kind of entrepreneur are you?
- The Small Development Project Process
- Navigating Your Current Barriers
- Lessons Shared
- Success Framework 3: Building Your Plan
The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy is advance reading. The book is shipped to you and included in registration fee.
Advanced Workshop
Small Coach Breakthrough

Building on the tools, frameworks and insights gained through the Small Coach Foundations Workshop, you will delve into your ongoing barriers, current challenges and how to create solutions for your projects and your business. This interactive workshop draws upon the experiences of others like you in the room, proving once again you have found your tribe! In person only.
What will we be doing?
- Barrier Identification distilling the key issues and barriers that are holding you back, and then applying tools to help you break through.
- Prioritizing Action once you know what is holding you back, how do you decide where to start, or what to do first? Learn how to find the key leverage points for change.
- Best Practice Sharing discussions with others like you who are facing – or have faced – similar challenges. This help reinforce what works while building your post workshop network of peers.
Workshop Content
- Defining and prioritizing your barriers?
- Success Framework 4: The Circle of Success
- Solution Setting
- Peer Group Exercises
- for defining barrier solutions and next steps for you to overcome your specific challenge
- lessons from the room
- sharing challenges and how to create breakthroughs
- Revisiting and updating your 2024 Plan


Jim Heid, FASLA
Jim is an infill developer and sustainable development advisor based in Sonoma County, California. With over forty years experience as an urban designer, land planner, sustainability strategist and now infill developer, he brings a broad range of perspectives and skills to the discussion about how communities grow.
Author of Building Small : A Toolkit, and Founder and lead curator of the Small Scale Developer Forums, Jim imparts a balance a practical ‘how to skills’ and an aspirational call to action for our role as developers and shapers of the built environment.
Trained as a landscape architect, he received a Masters in Real Estate Development from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as way to more effectively integrate economics, development and design thinking.
Learn more about Jim here.